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Answers to your key questions


What is a Family Child Care Home?

A Family Child Care Home (FCCH) is a child care arrangement located in a resident where, at any one time, more than two children, but less than nine children, receive child care. A family child care home is licensed by the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE).

How do I know if I need to be licensed?

To determine whether you are required to be licensed to operate a family child care home, answer these two questions:

1) Will I be caring for more than two children who are not related to me?
2) Will the children be present for more than four hours a day?

If the answer to both questions is yes, you need to be licensed.

Until you have completed the process for licensure and are licensed, you may legally care for no more than two children who are unrelated to you. As of December 1, 2003, it is a Class I felony to willfully operate a family child care home without being licensed.

Licensure Process: The process outlined below will assist you in starting a Family Child Care Business

(Must be at least 21 years old, have a high school diploma or its equivalent and meet pre-service requirements)
  • Contact your local zoning and planning office to find out if your residence meets child care zoning requirements to operate a family child care business in your home.
  • Complete the required one-day Family Child Care Home Pre-Licensing Workshop. This registration information can be located on the DCDEE website.
  • If you are renting or are a part of a Home Owners Association (HOA), you will need to have the owner’s or HOA permission in writing before DCDEE can work with you to establish your child care facility.
  • Meet the new criminal background check requirements.
  • Provide proof of completion of an approved CPR and First Aid Course and Infant Toddler Safe Sleep Training (must be completed within the last twelve months).
  • Complete the family child care home application packet.
  • A pre-licensing consultation will be scheduled by DCDEE Child Care Consultant once you have successfully completed the Family Child Care Home Pre-licensing Workshop and submitted the completed application and required supporting documentation.

Get in Touch

Contact a Regional Family Child Care Consultant to inform and assist you through this process.

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